Plessy vs Ferguson Court Case Facts

Supreme Court Justice John Marshall Harlan
Supreme Court Justice John Marshall Harlan

Introduction - Plessy vs Ferguson

Plessy v. Ferguson was one of the most important court cases in black history. The 1896 United States Supreme Court decision in this case upheld the legality of state laws that required racial segregation in public facilities known as the "separate but equal" doctrine. This decision would allow for racial discrimination based on separation of the races to continue for decades until finally changed by the Supreme Court's decision in the Brown v. Board of Education 1954 case which overruled the decision in the Plessy vs Ferguson case.

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On this page is a list of interesting facts about this famous case, a summary, including answers to the questions who is Homer Plessy, who won the case, why the Supreme Court made the decision it did, and how the court decision effected the fight for black civil rights. Whether you are a kid writing a paper for Black History Month or are just interested in information about this case you should these facts helpful.

Background Plessy vs Ferguson Court Case

Interesting Plessy vs Ferguson Court Case Facts