Shirley Chisholm Facts

Photo of Shirley Chisholm
Shirley Chisholm
In 1968 Shirley Chisholm took a great step forward in the fight against discrimination based on race and gender when she became the first African-American woman elected to the U.S. Congress. While serving in Congress she became a champion of the under-privileged fighting for legislation that would combat discrimination against black people and women and that would provide the opportunity for the poor to improve the quality of their lives. On this page you will find a list of interesting facts about this famous black woman in history. Information includes where she was born, who she helped, and how she fought discrimination. Both kids writing Black History Month papers and adults should find this concise information helpful.

Click here for a great selection of books about Shirley Chisholm.

Shirley Chisholm Early Years Facts

Shirley Chisholm U.S. Congress Facts

Shirley Chisholm Later Years