Thurgood Marshall Facts

Photo of Thurgood Marshall
Thurgood Marshall
Thurgood Marshall was one of the most important and famous men in black history. As a civil rights lawyer he won 14 out of 19 cases he argued before the Supreme Court, including the landmark 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka decision, this is more than any other lawyer before him. In 1967 he became the first African American to serve as a United States Supreme Court Justice. On this page is a synopsis of this great man's life with information including where he was educated, what sparked him to become a civil rights leader, and how he was nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court. The list of interesting facts below about Thurgood Marshall is written for both adults and kids, and hopefully a useful source of information for Black History Month reports.

Click here for a great selection of books about Thurgood Marshall.

Thurgood Marshall Early Years Facts

Thurgood Marshall Early Legal Career Facts

Thurgood Marshall as a Supreme Court Justice Facts

Thurgood Marshall - Conclusion